Here is where you will find the voices of several women. Our experiences are different, but we all share a concern for our bodies.
My method of collecting these writings is somewhat unscientific. I sent e-mails to several of my female family members and friends. I asked the following three open-ended questions, just to get their (and my) thoughts flowing:
1. What is your religious background (i.e., Methodist, etc.) & how has that influenced your body image during your lifetime?
2. How do you view your body? Is it the image of God? Does the female body reflect the image of God as well as the male body does?
3. Have you ever had an eating disorder (undiagnosed is ok) or disordered eating (subclinical eating disorder)? Do you diet severely or exercise excessively in the quest for the "perfect" body? If achieveing the perfect body is important to you, why? If it is not, why not?
The only biographical data I provided here about the women is age. I decided against including anything else to ensure anonymity and encourage openess. Their voices speak for themselves.
I have found listening to others helpful in my own struggles with body image. I hope that you will too.